Workshop happiness

Our project Sensory Experiences in the Feasts of St Thomas Aquinas had a great pleasure to organize a workshop together with Professor Éric Palazzo in Poitiers on 20 May. The original idea was a one-day seminar but it turned to become a three-day event during which we first heard excellent academic papers followed by thoughtful comments, then had two beautiful concerts. The Grand Finale was our excursion into Saint Pierre-les-Églises and Saint-Savin.

The following images convey the relaxed, intellectual atmosphere of our workshop. See the blog post “Interaction, chanting and gastronomy in Poitiers“, written by Johanna for a more detailed description.


Éric and Marika open the workshop
Laura gives a talk entitled “Practice and Perception – Transfiguration of mind and matter”
Time for discussion


Johanna’s insight
The lunch time – the discussion continues
Workshop venue, ex-chapel

Thank you all who were present! And thank you all who helped us to make the event so fine and agreeable!