About the Archipelago Institute

The Archipelago Research Institute’s field station is located on the island of Seili, just an hour’s drive from the city of Turku. The island is located in the middle region of the Archipelago Sea, which is lies in the northern part of the Baltic Sea.

Our institute is dedicated to advancing multidisciplinary research of the Baltic Sea, with an unwavering focus on the Archipelago Sea, complemented by extensive long-term environmental and at-sea monitoring initiatives. For researchers and educational programs, we offer a diverse array of research and teaching support services. These include access to research infrastructure, equipment rentals, and boat transportation services.

Institutionally, we are a partner in several national networks, including the University Research Stations in Finland (RESTAT), the Finnish Marine Research Infrastructure network (FINMARI), and the Analysis and Experimentation on Ecosystems (AnAEE) network, which facilitates access to experimental platforms in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems across Europe. Furthermore, we are engaged in the Finnish Long-Term Socio-Ecological Research network (FinLTSER). Internationally, our institute is part of the pan-European Research Infrastructure known as the European Marine Biological Resource Centre (EMBRC-ERIC).

We are part of the Biodiversity Unit at the University of Turku.

Collaboration network