WP 2.3 Workshop: Challenges in contemporary migration research
Friday 4st November 2016
Stockholm University, Universitetsvägen 10, room B800
9:00 Opening words
9:15: Session: Comparative Migration Studies
Chair: Eleonora Mussino (Stockholm University)
Discussant: Jussi Tervola (Kela)
Nazareno Panichella (University of Milan), Mezzogiorno migrants in Northern Italy and Germany
Elena Ambrosetti (University of Rome-La Sapienza), Who does it better where? Integration of refugees in France and Sweden
Amparo González-Ferrer (Spanish National Research Council), Moroccans’ selection into return migration. Merging datasets as a strategy for testing return migration theories from different destinations.
11:15: Lunch break
12:15 Session on: Selection, under-coverage and other issues in migration studies
Chair: Ognjen Obucina (Stockholm University)
Discussant: Amparo González-Ferrer (Spanish National Research Council)
Sol Juarez (Stockholm University), A new beginning? Perinatal health of children of refugees in Sweden
Rosa Weber (Stockholm University), Circular migration between Finland and Sweden: Who moves abroad again?
Andrea Monti (Stockholm University), Over-coverage in registers – possible ways of estimation
Jussi Tervola (Kela), The (self-) selection humanitarian migrants by admission status