Current News

Enhancing Inclusion for Low Socioeconomic Status Students: Insights from Dig-2-Inc World Cafés
The Dig-2-Inc project consortium hosted edu jams to enhance the academic inclusion of students from low socioeconomic backgrounds. Organized by...
Defining Competencies and Criteria for Academic Credentialing
A Comprehensive Framework for Micro-Credentials Dig-2-Inc project’s new ‘Report of Competence Descriptions and Criteria’ focuses on defining the competencies and...
Building up international relations in Italy
The Dig-2-Inc team at Campus des Métiers et des Qualifications d’Excellence (CMQ-E ITIP) participated in the Forum Campus Pro organized...
On a learning tour to Circular Economy
Campus des Métiers et des Qualifications Excellence participated Industrie Technologique Innovante et Performante in the Learning Tour about the circular...
Dig-2-Inc project website now available in multiple languages
To enhance accessibility and inclusivity, the Dig-2-Inc project website is now available in five additional languages: Bulgarian, French, German, Italian,...
Digital Inclusion for marginalized students: NOCIES research seminar explored solutions
In a recent online seminar organized by the Nordic Comparative and International Education Society (NOCIES), Mikko Grönlund, a Research Manager...
Next project phase in digital credentialing of academic skills
The third meeting of the management team of the Erasmus+ KA2, Inclusive Digital Learning or Dig-2-Inc project took place between...
Welcome to the World Café Workshop on 27.3.2024, Turku, Finland
We invite you to our World Café Workshop on the theme of Student Inclusion in Online Education. This workshop is...