Universitatea Tehnica Gheorghe Asachi din Iasi (TUIASI)

Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iasi (TUIASI) has the oldest tradition in engineering education in Romania. Since its foundation, TUIASI has given priority to research, interdisciplinary approach, innovation, teaching and, during the last two decades, internationalization. Its main goal of developing ‘technology for the people around us’ has always been at the core of TUIASI’s research, teaching and technological transfer activities. It now has 11 faculties providing undergraduate programs (61), master programs (70) and doctoral research domains (13) to about 13800 Romanian students and over 1200 international students.

The university is centered around the educational needs of the students, constantly improving its facilities and its curricula to meet the ever changing demands in the work field. There are 12 student associations at TUIASI dedicated to promoting students’ rights, extracurricular and nonformal learning and, of course, a variety of cultural and professional events, like workshops, shows, trips and sports competitions. TUIASI core values are: creativity and innovation, responsibility, environment protection, all focused on increasing quality of life.


Senior Lecturer Claudiu Romila