Universita degli Studi Guglielmo Marconi – Telematica (USGM)

Università degli Studi “Guglielmo Marconi” (USGM) is the first Athenaeum in Italy following the “Open University” model. USGM was established in 2004 by the Ministry of University and Research (MUR M.D. March 2004) as the first Italian open-university with the aim to spread and produce knowledge, giving everybody access to proper learning tools in Italy as well as worldwide. More than 16.000 students are enrolled in our six different Schools: School of Business, School of Law, School of Political Sciences, School of Applied Sciences and Technologies, School of Arts and School of Education Science.

The USGM adopts innovating learning modalities by developing suitable research strategies for most advanced technological solutions and by integrating non residential communication means (e-learning, chat, forum, video conference, etc.) with seminar activities (workshops, seminars, etc.). The Open University model represents a driving factor within the information society, able to have strategic functions in professional training, knowledge production and spreading of digital culture. First of all USGM aims at offering an appropriate array of professional and graduate programs that are accessible and flexible to anyone, anytime, anywhere. USGM is dedicated to the improvement of training through the use of innovative teaching methods as well as technology applied to learning, that require students to become actively involved in the learning process and develop the critical thinking skills necessary for lifelong learning.


Darina Chesheva