Welcome to the World Café Workshop on 27.3.2024, Turku, Finland

We invite you to our World Café Workshop on the theme of Student Inclusion in Online Education.

This workshop is part of a European research project, “Inclusive Digital Learning,” which focuses on the digital inclusion of disadvantaged students. In Finland, this study is led by Finland Futures Research Centre, University of Turku.

This workshop is open to teachers, students, staff members, instructors and any person interested about the topic.

Workshop objective

Engage in stimulating and collaborative discussions on the challenges and opportunities related to online education, with a focus on the inclusion of diverse learner communities.

Date and Time

Wednesday 27.3.2024 at 9:00–11:00.


Turku School of Economics, Lecture Hall LS10
Rehtorinpellonkatu 3, Turku, Finland

What to expect

The workshop will be structured into five facilitated discussion sessions, where we will address crucial issues related to inclusion in online education. Your contribution will enrich the reflections on the subject and generate ideas for the future of digital learning. The outcomes will be very useful for the continuation of the research project.

Coffee/tea and snacks will be served at the event.


Please indicate your participation and special dietary needs by using this link: https://link.webropolsurveys.com/S/399EF05A70D05334

Feel free to invite colleagues or individuals interested in the topic. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact: Mikko Grönlund, mikko.s.gronlund(at)utu.fi