UTU has received a funding of 2.1 million euros for DIWA

The University of Turku is involved in the flagship projects “Education for the Future (EDUCA)” and “Digital Waters (DIWA),” which received funding from the Academy of Finland for the period 2024–2028. For the flagship project DIWA, the Academy of Finland granted a total funding of 11.3 million euros, with the University of Turku receiving a share of 2.1 million euros.

The University of Oulu leads the flagship project DIWA, and it includes participation from University of Turku, Aalto University, the National Land Survey of Finland, the Finnish Environment Institute, and the Finnish Meteorological Institute. Professor Petteri Alho from the Department of Geography and Geology serves as the Deputy Director of the DIWA flagship and is the corresponding director for the University of Turku in the flagship.

More info in Finnish: https://www.utu.fi/fi/ajankohtaista/uutinen/turun-yliopistoon-47-miljoonan-euron-rahoitus-educa-ja-diwa-lippulaivoille