


Mutta, M., Peltonen, P., Laine, P. & Lintunen, P. (2025). Fluency across modes: an exploratory study of L1 and L2 spoken and written fluency. International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching (ahead of print), 1–29.


Lehtilä, E., Peltonen, P. & Lintunen, P. (2024a). How does access to L1 speech affect L2 and L3 perceived fluency? Evidence from Finnish-speaking and Finnish–Swedish bilingual speakers. Nordand, 19 (2), 73–90.

Lehtilä, E., Peltonen, P. & Lintunen, P. (2024b). Listener perceptions of L1 speech in L2 and L3 fluency assessment contexts: a qualitative approach. In M. Toivola, P. Lintunen & L. M. Heikkola (Eds.), Puheen tutkimuksen uusia suuntia – Aineistona vapaasti tuotettu puhe. New directions in speech research – Freely produced speech as data (pp. 191–215). AFinLA-teema / n:o 17. Jyväskylä.

Lehtilä, E., Rauha, A. & Lintunen, P. (2024). I projektet MultiFluency studeras flerspråkiga personers flyt med ögonspårning. [In the MultiFluency project, multilingual people’s fluency is studied using eye-tracking] Hiiskuttua: Turun yliopiston humanistisen tiedekunnan verkkojulkaisu.

Olkkonen, S. (2024). Sini… eikun punainen: suomenoppijoiden puheen sujuvuustutkimusta. [Bl.. no red: studying Finnish learners’ fluency] Hiiskuttua: Turun yliopiston humanistisen tiedekunnan verkkojulkaisu.

Olkkonen, S., Mutta, M. & Lintunen, P. (2024). Fluency profiles in L2 monologue production: the role of underlying cognitive factors. In M. Toivola, P. Lintunen & L. M. Heikkola (Eds.), Puheen tutkimuksen uusia suuntia – Aineistona vapaasti tuotettu puhe. New directions in speech research – Freely produced speech as data (pp. 167–190). AFinLA-teema / n:o 17. Jyväskylä.

Olkkonen, S., Snellings, P., Veivo, O. & Lintunen, P. (2024). Cognitive fluency in L2: The effect of automatic and controlled lexical processing on speech rate. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 53, 66.

Peltonen, P. & Lintunen, P. (2024a). Word searches and fluency during problem-solving tasks: a mixed-methods study of L1 Finnish and L2 English interaction. Teoksessa M. Toivola, P. Lintunen & L. M. Heikkola (toim.), Puheen tutkimuksen uusia suuntia – Aineistona vapaasti tuotettu puhe. New directions in speech research – Freely produced speech as data (s. 143–166). AFinLA-teema / n:o 17. Jyväskylä.

Peltonen, P. & Lintunen, P. (2024b). Teaching L2 speech fluency with learner-corpus-based awareness-raising activities: Insights from a short-term intervention study. International Journal of Learner Corpus Research 10 (1), 39–66. Special issue “Learner Corpus Research for Pedagogical Purposes” (edited by S. Götz & S. Granger).

Peltonen, P., Olkkonen, S., Szyszka, M. & Lintunen, P. (2024). L2 repair fluency through the lenses of L1 repair fluency, cognitive fluency, and language anxiety. Applied Linguistics Review.

Szyszka, M., Peltonen, P., & Lintunen, P. (2024). Unravelling the relationship between language anxiety and foreign language speech fluency in a monologue production. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development (ahead of print), 1–15.


Lehtilä, E. (2023). Monikielisten oppijoiden tarkastelu tuo uusia näkökulmia puheen sujuvuuden tutkimukseen. [Examining multilingual learners brings new perspectives to the study of speech fluency] Blog post on the Living Science blog.

Lintunen, P., Mäkinen, S. & Eirola, V. (Eds.) (2023). Sujuvuutta suulliseen kielitaitoon: Näkökulmia kielten opetukseen. Turku: University of Turku.
→ More information about the SuSuKi-training : https://sites.utu.fi/susuki/

Peltonen, P. (2023). Fluency revisited. ELT Journal, ccad047, 1–4.

Peltonen, P., Kosmala, L., Götz, S. & Lintunen, P. (2023) The interplay between speech fluency and gesture in L1 Finnish and L2 English task-based interactions. Proc. Disfluency in Spontaneous Speech (DiSS) Workshop 2023, 8–12.

Szyszka, M. & Lintunen, P. (2023). Zooming into the L2 Speech Fluency Markers of Anxious and Non-Anxious Advanced L2 Learners – an Extreme Case Sampling Report. Research in Language, 24(4),  357–376.


Lehtilä, E., Peltonen, P. & Lintunen, P. (2022). Miten äidinkielen puhetyyli vaikuttaa vieraan kielen sujuvuuteen? [How does L1 speaking style affect foreign language fluency?] Hiiskuttua: Turun yliopiston humanistisen tiedekunnan verkkojulkaisu.

Lintunen, P., Mutta, M., Olkkonen, S., Peltonen, P. & Veivo, O. (2022). Sujuvuus ja epäsujuvuus vieraan kielen oppimisen näkökulmasta: monitahoinen ilmiö edellyttää monitieteistä tutkimusta. [Fluency and disfluency from second language learning viewpoint: a multifaceted phenomenon requires multidisciplinary research] In S. Loukusa, T. Hautala & A.-K. Tolonen (Eds.), Sujuvaa vai sujumatonta? Puheen ja kielen sujuvuutta tutkimassa. Publication of National Conference on Speech and Language Research. pp. 75–87.

Peltonen, P. & Lintunen, P. (2022). Multilingual speakers’ L1, L2, and L3 fluency across languages: A study of Finnish, Swedish, and English. Nordand, 17(1), 48–63.


Mutta, M. & Salminen S. (2021). Les séquences préfabriquées dans la production écrite dans le cas de scripteurs finnophones de français et suédois L2. [Formulaic sequences in written production: the case of Finnish learners of L2 French and Swedish] Synergies pays riverains de la Baltique, 14/20, 11–26.

Olkkonen, S. & Veivo, O. (2021). Miten mieli käsittelee kieltä – Prosessointinäkökulma kielenopetukseen. [Language and mind – understanding mental processing in language teaching] Tempus, 3/2021.

Olkkonen, S. & Veivo, O. (2021). Mitä katse voi kertoa puheen takeltelusta? [What does gaze tell about disfluencies in speech?] Hiiskuttua: Turun yliopiston humanistisen tiedekunnan verkkojulkaisu.

Peltonen, P. (2021). Connections between measured and assessed fluency in L2 peer interaction: a problem-solving perspective. International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching.


Lintunen, P., Mutta, M., & Peltonen, P. (2020). Fluency in L2 Learning and Use. Bristol: Multilingual Matters.

Lintunen, P., Mutta, M., & Peltonen, P. (2020). Sujuvuustutkimuksen käänteitä: katsaus sujuvuustutkimuksen menetelmiin. [Turns in fluency research: a methodological review of fluency studies] In Grasz, S., T. Keisanen, F. Oloff, M. Rauniomaa, I. Rautiainen & M. Siromaa (Eds.) Methodological Turns in Applied Language Studies. AFinLA Yearbook 2020. Publications of the Finnish Association of Applied Linguistics 78. Jyväskylä. pp. 174–197.

Peltonen, P., Mäki, E-L., & Lintunen, P. (2020). Monikielistä sujuvuutta. [Multilingual fluency] Hiiskuttua: Turun yliopiston humanistisen tiedekunnan verkkojulkaisu.

Peltonen, P., Naapila, S., & Lintunen, P. (2020). Projektet MultiFluency studerar talflytet hos flerspråkiga personer. Blog post on the Leala blog.


Aittokumpu, H. (2024). The Influence of a 7-Week Spoken English Course on the Use of Stalling Mechanisms: A Mixed-methods Study of Fluency Development. MA thesis. University of Turku.

Elo, H. (2023). Complexity and Accuracy in Multilingual Finnish University Students’ Speech: A Quantitative Comparison of Grammatical and Lexical Measures in L1 Finnish, L2 English, and L3 Swedish. MA thesis. University of Turku.

Kaltiomaa, S. (2021). Speed of talk as a measure of fluency: The relationship between Finnish L1 and English L2 speech rate and articulation rate. BA thesis. University of Turku.

Korkka, O. (2024). From Group-level to the Individual: A Mixed Methods Study on Language Anxiety and its Connections to L2 Speech Fluency among Finnish Upper Secondary School Students. MA thesis. University of Turku.

Lehtilä, E. (2021). Comparing L2 speech fluency in monologue and dialogue: A quantitative study of Finnish upper secondary school learners of English. MA thesis. University of Turku.

Mäki, E-L. (2021). Connections between L1 and L2 stalling mechanisms: A mixed methods study on university level English second language speakers’ fluency. BA thesis. University of Turku.

Ollila, M. (2024). Does Fluency Mean Intelligibility? A Mixed Methods Study on the Perceptions of Speech Fluency and Its Teaching among L2 English Teachers in Finland. MA thesis. University of Turku.

Rihko, L. (2024). Promoting L2 English Speech Fluency in Finnish General Upper Secondary Education: A Survey of Textbooks and Teachers’ Perceptions. Minor subject thesis. University of Turku.

Seppänen, E. (2023). “Do we put the star map after the first aid kit?” – The Use of Questions as Indicators of Interactional Fluency in L1 Finnish and L2 English Interaction. MA thesis. University of Turku.

Tammi, T. (2024). Communication Strategies and Their Role in Interactional Fluency in L1 Finnish and L2 English Dialogues: A Mixed Methods Study of University Students of English. MA thesis. University of Turku.