
Kevon tutkimuslaitoksella on kaksi omaa julkaisusarjaa: ’Kevo Notes’ ja ’Reports from the Kevo Subarctic Research Station’. Näissä julkaistaan sekä aseman omia tutkimustuloksia että vierailevien tutkijoiden tutkimuksia.

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Kevo Notes

Kevo Notes – sarjan artikkelit käsittelevät yleensä Lapin kasvi- ja eläinkuntaa. Julkaisut voivat olla suomen- tai englanninkielisiä.

Sarjassa on julkaistu esimerkiksi luetteloita Inarin Lapissa (Inarin ja Utsjoen alueet) tavatuista selkärankaisista ja selkärangattomista eläimistä sekä kasveista ja sienistä.
Ota yhteyttä, jos haluat julkaista omia Lappia koskevia tutkimuksiasi (kevo@utu.fi).

Sarjassa on julkaistu 14 numeroa vuosina 1975-2013. Julkaisuja on saatavilla pyynnöstä (lähetä viesti kevo@utu.fi) ja lainattavissa monissa tieteellisissä kirjastoissa Suomessa ja ulkomailla. Uusimmat numerot on julkaistu myös sähköisenä.

Kevo Notes 11-

Kevo Notes 14 (2013)
KOTIRANTA, H. & SHIRYAEV, A.: Notes on Aphyllophoroid fungi (Basidiomycota) in Kevo, collected in 2009, 1-22. (Notes 14 pdf)

Kevo Notes 13 (2009)
NEVALAINEN, L.: Autumnal chydorid fauna (Anomopoda, Chydoridae) in Kevo region, northern Finnish Lapland, 4-20. (Notes 13 pdf)

Kevo Notes 12 (2002)
MÄKINEN, Y.: Floristic observations in western Kola Peninsula, NW Russia, 1-33.

Kevo Notes 11 (1996)
OHENOJA, E.: A check-list of the larger fungi in Inari Lapland (NE Finland) and in Finnmark (NE Norway), 1-44. [Notes_11.pdf]

Kevo Notes 1-10 (1975-1995)

Kevo Notes 10 (1995)
BLOMQVIST, I.: Ympäristön yhdennetyn seurannan planktontutkimukset Vuoskojärvellä vuonna 1994, 1-25 + I-IX.

Kevo Notes 9 (1990)
HEIKKINEN, R. K. & KALLIOLA, R. J.: The vascular plants of the Kevo Nature Reserve (Finland); an ecological-environmental approach, 1-56. [Notes_9_part1.pdf] [Notes_9_part2.pdf]

Kevo Notes 8 (1989)
HEIKKINEN, R. K. & KALLIOLA, R. J.: Vegetation types and map of the Kevo nature reserve, northernmost Finland, 1-39. [Notes_8.pdf]

Kevo Notes 1 (3rd ed., 1988)
ISO-IIVARI, L.: Vertebrates of Inari Lapland, 1-12.

Kevo Notes 7 (1984)
Invertebrates of Inari Lapland, Finland, 1-120.

Kevo Notes 6 (1982)
KOPONEN, S., LAASONEN, E. M. & LINNALUOTO, E. T.: Lepidoptera of Inari Lapland, Finland, 1-36.

Kevo Notes 5 (1980)
LINNALUOTO, E. T. & KOPONEN, S.: Lepidoptera of Utsjoki, northernmost Finland, 1-68. [Notes_5.pdf]

Kevo Notes 1 (2nd ed., 1979)
ISO-IIVARI, L.: Vertebrates of Inari Lapland, 1-14.

Kevo Notes 4 (1979)
MÄKINEN, Y. & KALLIO, P.: The vascular plants of Inari Lapland, Finland, 1-47.

Kevo Notes 3 (2nd ed., 1977)
Turun yliopiston Lapin tutkimuslaitos Kevon esittely ja tutkimusohjelmat, 1-64.

Kevo Notes 3 (1976)
Turun yliopiston Lapin tutkimuslaitos Kevon esittely ja tutkimusohjelmat, 1-64.

Kevo Notes 2 (1975)
DOROGOSTAISKAYA, E. V.: Weeds of the Far North of the U.S.S.R., 1-36.

Kevo Notes 1 (1975)
ISO-IIVARI, L.: Vertebrates of Inari Lapland, 1-19.

Reports from the Kevo Subarctic Research Institute

Ota yhteyttä, jos haluat julkaista sarjassamme omia tutkimuksiasi (kevo@utu.fi).

Sarjassa on julkaistu 25 numeroa vuosina 1964-2019. Julkaisuja on saatavilla pyynnöstä (lähetä viesti kevo@utu.fi) ja lainattavissa monissa tieteellisissä kirjastoissa Suomessa ja ulkomailla. Vanhempia artikkeleita on skannattuna ladattavissa tällä sivulla (pdf, valikoima täydentyy). Uusimmat numerot on julkaistu myös sähköisenä.

Reports 23-25 (2005-2019)

Vol. 25 (2019)
MÄKINEN, Y., PIIRAINEN, M., LAINE, U., NURMI, J., HEINO, S. & ISO-IIVARI L. & : Vascular flora of Inari Lapland. 9. Geraniaceae-Primulaceae, 3-164. [Reports 25 pdf]

Vol. 24 (2011)
MÄKINEN, Y., LAINE, U., HEINO, S., ISO-IIVARI L. & NURMI, J.: Vascular flora of Inari Lapland. 8. Rosaceae and Fabaceae, 3-126.
HELAMA, S.: Climate and Scots pine tree-rings in Utsjoki-Kevo district (North-East Finnish Lapland) during the 20th century, with special emphasis on mid-summer connexions, 129-138. [Reports 24 pdf]

Vol. 23 (2005)
MÄKINEN, Y., LAINE, U., HEINO, S. & NURMI, J.: Vascular flora of Inari Lapland. 7. Brassicaceae – Grossulariaceae, 1-95.
HOLTMEIER, F-K.: Change in the timberline ecotone in northern Finnish Lapland during the last thirty years, 97-113.

Reports 19-22 (1984-1998)

Vol. 22 (1998)
LIIRA, T. & HIETARANTA, J.: On the postglacial development of the bedrock precipices and talus formations in the Keävvu river valley, northern Finnish Lapland, 1-10.
BOGACHEVA, I.: Ecological and ontogenetic heterogeneity of leaves and its role in insect-plant relationships, 11-17.
LUNDVALL, P., NEUVONEN, S. & HALONEN, M.: Interspecific differences in the susceptibility of adult leaf beetles (Col., Chrysomelidae) to predation by Willow warblers (Phylloscopus trochilus), 19-24.
MÄKINEN, Y., KALLIO, P., LAINE, U. & NURMI, J.: Vascular flora of Inari Lapland. 6. Nymphaeaceae – Papaveraceae, 25-86.

Vol. 21 (1990)
NENONEN, S-P. & MANSIKKANIEMI, H.: Observations on the spread of vegetation to road cuttings in the far north of Finland, 1-9.
MANSIKKANIEMI, H. & LAITINEN, T.: Pattern of local wind changes in a fell region, northern Finland, 11-20.
MATSUKI, M. & MACLEAN, S. F. Jr.: The effect of temperature on the molt of Dineura virididorsata (Hymenoptera, Tenthredinidae), 21-25.
MOLSKI, B. & DMUCHOWSKI, W.: The comparison of environmental pollution in northern Finland near Kevo and in Poland with the use of Pinus sylvestris L. as bioindicator, 27-30.
KORTELAINEN, I.: Gammarus lacustris – herbivore or predator?, 31-34. [Reports21_31-34.pdf]

Vol. 20 (1987)
SVEINBJÖRNSSON, B.: Biomass proportioning as related to plant size in juvenile mountain birch near Abisko, Swedish Lapland, 1-8.
ENGELSKJØN, T. & SKIFTE, O.: Distribution and ecology of Trichophorum pumilum (Vahl) Sch. & Th. (Cyperaceae) in Norway, 9-19.
HÖMMÖ, L. & VALANNE, T.: Cytological and morphological analyses of grafted triploid aspens (Populus tremula L.) from the Nonabeljävri area in Finnish Lapland, 21-25.
SULKINOJA, M. & VALANNE, T.: Leafing and bud size in Betula provenances of different latitudes and altitudes, 27-33.
LEHTONEN, J.: Recovery and development of birch forests damaged by Epirrita autumnata in Utsjoki area, North Finland, 35-39.
OJALA, A., HINNERI, S. & YLIAHO, H.: Mineral element content of Angelica archangelica subsp. archangelica, 41-45.

Vol. 19 (1984)
VALANNE, N. & VALANNE, T.: The development of the photosynthetic apparatus during bud burst and leaf opening in two subspecies of Betula pubescens Ehrh., 1-10.
KULLMAN, L.: Germinability of mountain birch (Betula pubescens ssp. tortuosa) along two altitudinal transects downslope from the tree-limit, in Sweden, 11-18.
KOPONEN, S.: Abundance of herbivorous insects on dwarf birch near the treeline in Alaska, 19-24. [Reports19_19-24.pdf]
HOOGESTEGER, M.: The effect of trampling on vegetation at four cottages in Torne Lapland, northern Sweden, 25-34.
HELLE, T.: Foraging behaviour of the semi-domestic reindeer (Rangifer tarandus L.) in relation to snow in Finnish Lapland, 35-47.
HELLE, T. & TARVAINEN, L.: Determination of the winter digging period of semi-domestic reindeer in relation to snow conditions and food resources, 49-56.
HELLE, T. & ASPI, J.: Do sandy patches help reindeer against insects?, 57-62.
HIPPA, H. & KOPONEN, S.: Parasitism of larvae of Galerucini (Col., Chrysomelidae) by larvae of Asecodes mento (Hym., Eulophidae), 63-65.
HIPPA, H., KOPONEN, S. & ROINE, R.: Larval growth of Coccinella hieroglyphica (Col., Coccinellidae) fed on aphids and preimaginal stages of Galerucella sagittariae (Col., Chrysomelidae), 67-70.
KÄRPPÄ, J., KALLIO, H., PELTONEN, I. & LINKO, R.: Anthocyanins in the northern and southern crowberry, Empetrum nigrum coll., 71-73.
KALLIO, H., NIKKOLA, P. & REUNANEN, M.: Sugar composition of the juice of crowberry, Empetrum hermaphroditum, 74-76.
SALEMAA, H.: Chromosomes of the freshwater amphipod Gammarus lacustris G. O. Sars, 77-80.

Reports 16-18 (1980-1982)

Vol. 18 (1982)
HIPPA, H., KOPONEN, S. & ROINE, R.: Feeding preference of Coccinella hieroglyphica (Col., Coccinellidae) for eggs of three chrysomelid beetles, 1-4.
PRUDHOMME, T. I.: The effect of defoliation history on photosynthetic rates in mountain birch, 5-9. [Reports18_5-9.pdf]
MÄKINEN, Y., KALLIO, P., LAINE, U. & NURMI, J.: Vascular flora of Inari Lapland. 5. Urticaceae – Caryophyllaceae, 10-94.

Vol. 17 (1981)
AURELA, A. & PUNKKINEN, R.: Atmospheric nitrogen dioxide and northern plants, 1- 6.
OKSANEN, L. & OKSANEN, T.: Lemmings (Lemmus lemmus) and grey-sided voles (Clethrionomys rufocanus) in interaction with their resources and predators on Finnmarksvidda, northern Norway, 7-31.
NOORDELOOS, M. E.: Notes on Entoloma (Basidiomycetes, Agaricales) in Inari Lapland, northernmost Finland, 32-40.
SOLHØY, T. & KOPONEN, S.: Oribatei fauna (Acari) on alpine heath at Kevo, Finland, 41-43.
HIPPA, H., KOPONEN, S. & OSMONEN, O.: Flower visitors to the cloudberry (Rubus chamaemorus L.) in northern Fennoscandia, 44-54.
HIPPA, H., KOPONEN, S. & OSMONEN, O.: Diurnal activity of flower visitors to the cloudberry (Rubus chamaemorus L.), 55-57.
HIPPA, H., KOPONEN, S. & OSMONEN, O.: Pollen transport and pollinating efficiency of flower visitors to the cloudberry (Rubus chamaemorus L.) in northern Fennoscandia, 58-66.
PIHAKASKI, K.: Seasonal changes in structure of mesophyll cells in subarctic Diapensia lapponica L., 67-80.
SOLD??N, T.: The mayflies (Ephemeroptera) of Utsjoki, northernmost Finland, 81-85.

Vol. 16 (1980)
HELLE, T.: Abundance of warble fly (Oedemagena tarandi) larvae in semi-domestic reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) in Finland, 1-6. [Reports16_1-6.pdf]
KOPONEN, S.: Herbivorous insects of the birch in Iceland, 7-12.
KOPONEN, S.: Spider fauna in the Adventfjorden area, Spitsbergen, 13-16.
KALLIO, H., LAINE, M. & HUOPALAHTI, R.: Aroma of the berries of the hybrid Rubus stellatus Sm. x R. arcticus L., 17-22.
NIEMINEN, M., TIMISJÄRVI, J. & LAITINEN, M.: The effects of antiparasitic treatment on the condition of semi-domestic reindeer (Rangifer tarandus), 23-26.
NIEMELÄ, P.: Dependence of Oporinia autumnata (Lep., Geometridae) outbreaks on summer temperature, 27-30.
SULKINOJA, M. & VALANNE, T.: Polyembryony and abnormal germination in Betula pubescens subsp. tortuosa, 31-37.
INKI, M. & VÄISÄNEN, L.: Essential oils in Betula tortuosa Ledeb. and in some other Betula species and hybrids, 38-44.
NIEMELÄ, P., ISO-IIVARI, L., LAINE, C. & LAINE, K. J.: Food plant preference and larval growth of larval colour forms of Entephria caesiata (Schiff.) (Lep., Geometridae), 45-48.
NIEMELÄ, P., TUOMI, J. & HAUKIOJA, E.: Age-specific resistance in trees: Defoliation of tamaracks (Larix laricina) by larch bud moth (Zeiraphera improbana) (Lep., Tortricidae), 49-57.

Reports 13-15 (1976-1979)

Vol. 15 (1979)
FORSÉN, K.: Aroma constituents of Angelica archangelica. Variations in the composition of the essential root oil of strains of var. norvegica and var. sativa, 1-7.
HIPPA, H. & KOPONEN, S.: Experiments on biological control of leaf beetles (Col., Chrysomelidae) on the cloudberry (Rubus chamaemorus L.), 8-10.
INKI, M. & VALANNE, T.: The F1 hybrid between Betula glandulosa, subsection Nanae and Betula pendula, subsection Albae, 11-18.
KOPONEN, S. & LINNALUOTO, E. T.: Flight periods and abundance of some moths caught by light traps in subarctic Finnish Lapland, 1972-78, 19-26.
LEHTONEN, J. & YLI-REKOLA, M.: Field and ground layer vegetation in birch forests after Oporinia damage, 27-32. [Reports15_27-32.pdf]
NIEMELÄ, P.: Topographical delimitation of Oporinia-damages: Experimental evidence of the effect of winter temperature, 33-36.
NIEMELÄ, P., ARO, E-M. & HAUKIOJA, E.: Birch leaves as a resource for herbivores. Damage-induced increase in leaf phenols with trypsin-inhibiting effects, 37-40.
REID, D. A.: Some fungi from Spitsbergen, 41-47.
WORKMAN, C.: Life cycles, growth rates and reproductive effort in lycosid and other spiders, 48-55.

Vol. 14 (1978)
HAUKIOJA, E. & SALOVAARA, R.: Summer weight of reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) calves and its importance for their future survival, 1-4.
HAUKIOJA, E., NIEMELÄ, P., ISO-IIVARI, L., OJALA, H. & ARO, E-M.: Birch leaves as a resource for herbivores. I. Variation in the suitability of leaves, 5-12.
KOPONEN, S.: Notes on herbivorous insects of the birch in southern Greenland, 13-17.
HIPPA, H., KOPONEN, S. & LAINE, T.: On the feeding biology of Coccinella hieroglyphica L. (Col., Coccinellidae), 18-20.
HAUKIOJA, E., NIEMELÄ, P. & ISO-IIVARI, L.: Birch leaves as a resource for herbivores. II. Diurnal variation in the usability of leaves for Oporinia autumnata and Dineura virididorsata, 21-24.
KARUNEN, P., HEINONEN, S. & LYLY, O.: Persistence of mecoprop in northern and southwestern Finland, 25-30.
HIPPA, H., KOPONEN, S. & OSMONEN, O.: Role of bees (Hym., Apidae) in pollination of the cloudberry (Rubus chamaemorus L.) in northern Fennoscandia, 31-37.
KALLIO, P. & MÄKINEN, Y.: Vascular flora of Inari Lapland. 4. Betulaceae, 38-63.
OKSANEN, L.: Lichen grounds of Finnmarksvidda, northern Norway, in relation to summer and winter grazing by reindeer, 64-71.
VALANNE, T.: Soft-wood rooting experiments with Betula, 72-75.

Vol. 13 (1976)
SEPPÄLÄ, M.: Periglacial character of the climate of the Kevo region (Finnish Lapland) on the basis of meteorological observations 1962-71, 1-11.
ALEXANDER, V. & KALLIO, S.: Nitrogenase activity in Peltigera aphthosa and Stereocaulon paschale in early spring, 12-15.
KALLIO, S., KALLIO, P. & RASKU, M-L.: Ecology of nitrogen fixation in Peltigera aphthosa (L.) Willd. in North Finland, 16-22.
FONG, D. W. & BAL, A. K.: Histological differences between chilled and nonchilled seeds in Rubus chamaemorus L., 23-25.
HAUKIOJA, E. & ISO-IIVARI, L.: Local and annual variation in secondary production by Dineura virididorsata (Hym., Tenthredinidae), 26-32.
ISO-IIVARI, L. & KOPONEN, S.: Insect catches by light trap compared with geomagnetic and weather factors in subarctic Lapland, 33-35.
HIPPA, H., KOPONEN, S. & NEUVONEN, S.: Population dynamics of the form of Galerucella nymphaeae-complex (Col., Chrysomelidae) living on cloudberry in northern Finland, 36-39.
HIPPA, H. & KOPONEN, S.: Distribution of the species of Galerucella (Col., Chrysomelidae) on cloudberry in Fennoscandia, 40-43.
HAUKIOJA, E. & NIEMELÄ, P.: Does birch defend itself actively against herbivores?, 44-47.
KOPONEN, S.: Spider fauna (Araneae) of Kevo area, northernmost Finland, 48-62.
KARUNEN, P. & KALLIO, P.: Seasonal variation in the total lipid content of subarctic Dicranum elongatum, 63-70.

Reports 11-12 (1974-1975)

Vol. 12 (1975)
HAUKIOJA, E. & HAKALA, T.: Herbivore cycles and periodic outbreaks. Formulation of a general hypothesis, 1-9.
HINNERI, S.: On the water chemistry of the Utsjoki River System, and its significance for the evaluation of edaphic conditions in the drainage area, 10-24.
KALLIO, P.: Leccinum scabrum (Fries) S. F. Gray subsp. tundrae Kallio, a new subspecies from Lapland, 25-27.
KALLIO, P. & KALLIO, S.: Nitrogen fixation by free-living micro-organisms in the Kevo district, 28-33.
KARCZEWSKI, A.: Morphology and textural-structural features of ground and hummocky moraine in the Paistunturit area, Finnish Lapland, 34-44.
KOPONEN, S. & OJALA, M-L.: Quantitative study of invertebrate groups in the soil and ground layer of the IBP sites at Kevo, northern Finland, 45-52.
DOROGOSTAISKAYA, E. V.: Weeds of the Far North of the U.S.S.R., 53.
HIPPA, H. & KOPONEN, S.: On the damage caused by the species of Galerucella (Col., Chrysomelidae) on cloudberry (Rubus chamaemorus L.) in Finland and northern Norway. 54-59.
KALLIO, H.: Chemical constituents of the volatile aroma compounds in Rubus arcticus L. subsp. stellatus (Sm.) Boivin, with reference to Rubus arcticus L. subsp. arcticus, 60-65.
KALLIO, P. & MÄKINEN, Y.: Vascular flora of Inari Lapland. 3. Salicaceae, 66-105.

Vol. 11 (1974)
ALEXANDER, V., BILLINGTON, M. & SCHELL, D.: The influence of abiotic factors on nitrogen fixation rates in the Barrow, Alaska, arctic tundra, 3-11.
BARR, M. E.: The Cucurbitaria sorbi Karsten complex, 12-15.
HAUKIOJA, E.: Measuring consumption in Eriocrania (Eriocraniidae, Lep.) miners with reference to interaction between the leaf and the miner, 16-21. [Reports11_16-21.pdf]
HAUKIOJA, E. & HEINO, J.: Birch consumption by reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) in Finnish Lapland, 22-25. [Reports11_22-25.pdf]
HINNERI, S.: Podzolic processes and bioelement pools in subarctic forest soils at the Kevo Station, Finnish Lapland, 26-34.
HUSTICH, I.: Common species in the northern part of the Boreal Region of Canada. An essay, 35-41.
KALLIO, S. & VARHEENMAA, T.: On the effect of air pollution on nitrogen fixation in lichens, 42-46.
KJELVIK, S. & WIELGOLASKI, F. E.: Biomass, nutrient content and energy of some dwarf shrubs in a Norwegian subalpine birch forest, 47-51.
KOPONEN, S.: On the occurrence and ecology of Eriocrania spp. (Eriocraniidae) and other mining insects of the birch in northernmost Fennoscandia in 1973, 52-64.
KOPONEN, S. & OJALA, H.: On the mesofauna of the field layer of three subarctic habitats, 65-71.
LÄHDE, E.: Rate of decomposition of cellulose in forest soils in various parts of the Nordic countries, 72-78.
LAINE, U., LEHMUSHOVI, A. & NURMI, J.: Chromosome numbers of phanerogams in Inari Lapland and adjacent regions, 79-89.
MÄKINEN, Y. & OIKARINEN, H.: Cultivation of cloudberry in Fennoscandia, 90-102.
MANSIKKANIEMI, H.: Some methods of measuring fluvial transportation load, alluvial fan of Jomppala in Utsjoki, Finland, 103-111.
VAARAMA, A. & LAINE, U.: The southern element in the moss flora of Utsjoki, Inari Lapland, North Finland, 112-125.

Reports 9-10 (1972-1973)

Vol. 10 (1973)
BUNNELL, F. L., KÄRENLAMPI, L. & RUSSELL, D. E.: A simulation model of lichen-Rangifer interactions in Northern Finland, 1-8.
HAUKIOJA, E.: Weight development, consumption and egestion of Dineura virididorsata (Hym., Tenthredinidae) larvae, 9-13.
KOPONEN, S.: On the mining insects of the mountain birch in northernmost Fennoscandia, 14-19.
KOPONEN, S.: Herbivorous invertebrates of the mountain birch at Kevo, Finnish Lapland, 20-28.
HAUKIOJA, E., KOPONEN, S. & OJALA, H.: Local differences in birch consumption by invertebrates in northern Norway and Finland, 29-33.
KALLIO, S.: The ecology of nitrogen fixation in Stereocaulon paschale, 34-42.
KALLIO, P. & HEINONEN, S.: Ecology of Rhacomitrium lanuginosum (Hedw.) Brid., 43-54. [Reports10_43-54.pdf]
KALLIO, P. & LEHTONEN, J.: Birch forest damage caused by Oporinia autumnata (Bkh.) in 1965-66 in Utsjoki, N Finland, 55-69. [Reports10_55-69.pdf]
VAARAMA, A. & VALANNE, T.: On the taxonomy, biology and origin of Betula tortuosa Ledeb., 70-84.

Vol. 9 (1972)
SEPPÄLÄ, M.: Peat at the top of Ruohttir fell, Finnish Lapland, 1-6.
KALLIO, P., SUHONEN, S. & KALLIO, H.: The ecology of nitrogen fixation in Nephroma arcticum and Solorina crocea, 7-14.
MANSIKKANIEMI, H.: Flood deposits, transport distances and roundness of loose material in the Tana river valley, Lapland, 15-23.
WIELGOLASKI, F. E. & KJELVIK, S.: The methodology of net primary production investigations in Norwegian IBP tundra studies, 24-27.
LEMMETYINEN, R.: Nest defense behaviour in the arctic tern Sterna paradisaea towards stuffed nest predators on Spitsbergen, 28-31.
KOPONEN, S.: On the spiders of the ground layer of a pine forest in Finnish Lapland, with notes on their diurnal activity, 32-34.
STRID, Å.: Aspects on the Daedaleopsis Schroet. complex (Polyporaceae) in Fennoscandia and Denmark, 35-43.
VOIPIO, P.: Problems of cold adaptation in the Red squirrel Sciurus vulgaris, 44-49.
KÄRENLAMPI, L.: Comparisons between the microclimates of the Kevo ecosystem study sites and the Kevo Meteorological Station, 50-65.
KÄRENLAMPI, L.: Factor analytic studies on the vegetation of the surroundings of the Kevo Subarctic Station, 66-72.
HAUKIOJA, E. & NYGRÉN, K.: Short-distance movements in the grey-sided vole (Clethrionomys rufocanus), 73-77.
KÄRENLAMPI, L.: On the relationships of the Scots pine annual ring width and some climatic variables at the Kevo Subarctic Station, 78-81.
KÄRENLAMPI, L. & KAUHANEN, H.: A direct gradient analysis of the vegetation of the surroundings of the Kevo Subarctic Station, 82-98.
RAUTAVA, E.: Amphiphytic and aquatic moss vegetation in the rivers Vaskojoki and Kettujoki in Finnish Lapland, 99-107.

Reports 7-8 (1970-1971)

Vol. 8 (1971)
ANDREEV, V. N.: Methods of defining overground phytomass on vast territories of the Subarctic, 3-11.
BLÜTHGEN, J.: Die Dokumentation der Herbstfärbung und ihre floristisch-systematische Differenzierung in Lappland, 12-21.
GROVES, J. W. & ELLIOTT, M. E.: Notes on fungi from Northern Canada VI. Additional records of Discomycetes, 22-30.
HARE, F. K.: Snow-cover problems near the Arctic tree-line of North America, 31-40.
HAVAS, P.: The water economy of the bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus) under winter conditions, 41-52. [Reports8_41-52.pdf]
HOLTMEIER, F-K.: Waldgrenzstudien im nördlichen Finnisch-Lappland und angrenzenden Nordnorwegen, 53-62.
KALLIO, P. & HEINONEN, S.: Influence of short-term low temperature on net photosynthesis in some subarctic lichens, 63-72. [Reports8_63-72.pdf]
KALLIO, P., LAINE, U. & MÄKINEN, Y.: Vascular flora of Inari Lapland. 2. Pinaceae and Cupressaceae, 73-100. [Reports8_73-100.pdf]
KÄRENLAMPI, L.: Weight loss of leaf litter on forest soil surface in relation to weather at Kevo Station, Finnish Lapland, 101-103.
LAINE, U. & NURMI, J.: Factors affecting vegetation and flora of anorthosite and granulite areas in western Inari, Finnish Lapland, 104-115.
MIKOLA, P.: Reflexion of climatic fluctuations in the forestry practices of Northern Finland, 116-121.
OHENOJA, E.: The larger fungi of Svalbard and their ecology, 122-147.
RYVARDEN, L.: Studies in the Aphyllophorales of Finnmark, Northern Norway, 148-154.
SIRÉN, G. & HARI, P.: Coinciding periodicity in recent tree rings and glacial clay sediments, 155-157. [Reports8_155-157.pdf]
TRANQUILLINI, W. & MACHL-EBNER, I.: Über den Einfluss von Wärme auf das Photosynthesevermögen der Zirbe (Pinus cembra L.) und der Alpenrose (Rhododendron ferrugineum L.) im Winter, 158-166.

Vol. 7 (1970 – 1971)
KÄRENLAMPI, L. (1970): Distribution of chlorophyll in the lichen Cladonia alpestris, 1-8. [Reports7_1-8.pdf]
KÄRENLAMPI, L. (1970): Morphological analysis of the growth and productivity of the lichen Cladonia alpestris, 9-15. [Reports7_9-15.pdf]
MANSIKKANIEMI, H. (1970): The sinuosity of rivers in northern Finland, 16-32.
KÄRENLAMPI, L. (1971): Studies on the relative growth rate of some fruticose lichens, 33-39.
KÄRENLAMPI, L. (1971): On methods for measuring and calculating the energy flow through lichens, 40-46.
KÄRENLAMPI, L. & PELKONEN, M. (1971): Studies on the morphological variation of the lichen Cladonia uncialis, 47-56. [Reports7_47-56.pdf]
KOPONEN, S. (1971): On the abundance relations of mesofaunal groups in the ground layer of three subarctic habitats, 57-59.
HAUKIOJA, E. (1971): Summer schedule of some subarctic passerine birds with reference to postnuptial moult, 60-69. [Reports7_60-69.pdf]
MÄKINEN, Y. (1971): On Finnish micromycetes. 9. Sphaerotheca drabae Juel on Saxifraga nivalis in Finnish Lapland, 70-73.
EUROLA, S. (1971): The driftwoods of the Arctic Ocean, 74-80. [Reports7_74-80.pdf]

Reports 4-6 (1967-1970)

Vol. 6 (1970)
MANSIKKANIEMI, H.: Deposits of sorted material in the Inarijoki-Tana river valley in Lapland, 1-63.

Vol. 5 (1969)
KALLIO, P., LAINE, U. & MÄKINEN, Y.: Vascular flora of Inari Lapland. 1. Introduction and Lycopodiaceae – Polypodiaceae, 1-108.
MÄKINEN, Y.: On Finnish micromycetes. 8. Erysiphales of Inari Lapland, 109-116.

Vol. 4 (1967 – 1969)
MANSIKKANIEMI, H. (1967): Geomorphological analysis of Pulmanki-Tana valley in Lapland, 7-31. [Reports4_7-31.pdf]
BAGGE, P. (1968): Ecological studies on the fauna of subarctic waters in Finnish Lapland, 32-83.
JUSSILA, R. (1968): Distribution of Ichneumonidae (Hymenoptera) at different altitude belts in Finnish Lapland, 84-89.
HEIKKILÄ, H. & KALLIO, P. (1969): On the problem of subarctic basidiolichenes II, 90-97. [Reports4_90-97.pdf]
VUORISALO, A. (1969): Conjugatophyceae of Utsjoki, Finnish Lapland, 98-111.
ERIKSSON, J. & STRID, Å. (1969): Studies in the Aphyllophorales (Basidiomycetes) of Northern Finland, 112-158.
HUSTICH, I. (1969): Notes on the growth of pine in northern Finland and Norway, 159-170.

Reports 1-3 (1964-1966)

Vol. 3 (1966)
HUSTICH, I.: On the forest-tundra and the northern tree-lines, 7-47. [Reports3_7-47.pdf]
HEIKKILÄ, H. & KALLIO, P.: On the problem of subarctic basidiolichenes I, 48-74. [Reports3_48-74.pdf]
MÄKINEN, Y.: On the macroecology of some rust fungi, 75-84. [Reports3_75-84.pdf]
KALLIO, P. & KÄRENLAMPI, L.: Observations on the lichens of Labrador and Ungava, 85-100. [Reports3_85-100.pdf]
HAKULINEN, R. & ULVINEN, T.: Asahinea chrysantha (Tuck.) Culb. et Culb. in Fennoscandien, 101-105 (pdf).
PIHAKASKI, S.: Studies on northern Luzula multiflora (Retz.) Lej. races, 106-131.
RAUDASKOSKI, M.: Studies on the karyology of the smut Anthracoidea limosa (Ustilaginales), 132-142.
PIHAKASKI, K.: Ecological and morphological studies on Luzula arcuata (Wg.) Sw., 143-176.
KALLIO, P. & KANKAINEN, E.: Additions to the mycoflora of northernmost Finnish Lapland, 177-210.
HAAPASAARI, M.: The genus Gymnomitrion Corda in Finland, 211-235.
LAINE, H.: On some influences of the Atlantic and the Arctic Ocean upon the bird fauna of Utsjoki, Finnish Lapland, 236-258.
NUORTEVA, P.: Observations on the diel periodicity of flight by Lonchaea laxa Collin (Dipt., Lonchaeidae) in subarctic conditions, 259-260.
SILVOLA, T.: Quantitative observations on the avifauna of the Kevojoki River valley, 261-273.
SEPPÄLÄ, M.: Recent ice-wedge polygons in eastern Enontekiö, northernmost Finland, 274-287.

Vol. 2 (1965)
JUSSILA, R.: The Ichneumonidae of the Kevojoki area in Inari Lapland (Finland), 3-186 (pdf)

Vol. 1 (1964)
KALLIO, P.: The Kevo Subarctic Research Station of the University of Turku, 9-40 (pdf).
SILTANEN, P.: The aquatic flora and vegetation of Lake Kevojärvi, 41-59 (pdf).
NYMAN, A.: Aquatic vegetation of Lake Mantojärvi in Inari Lapland, Finland, 60-68 (pdf).
RAUTAVA, E.: Über die Wasservegetation des Flusses Vaskojoki im nördlichsten Finnland, 69-93 (pdf)
LAINE, U.: Über die floristischen Züge der nördlichen Waldgrenze der Kiefer im Westteil von Inari-Lappland, 94-123 (pdf).
MÄKINEN, Y.: Floristic observations in Finnmark (Northern Norway), 124-128 (pdf).
MÄKINEN, L.: On the morphology of Primula sibirica Jacq. ssp. finmarchica (Jacq.) Hult., 129-131 (pdf).
HAKULINEN, R.: Beobachtungen über die Flechtenflora und Flechtenvegetation von Utsjoki, Nordfinnland, 132-139 (pdf).
KUKKONEN, I.: Facts and speculations about the factors affecting the distribution of Anthracoidea scirpi as a parasite of Trichophorum caespitosum, 140-148 (pdf).
ERIKSSON, M.: Larger fungi on dunes in Finland, 149-154 (pdf).
MÄKINEN, Y.: On Finnish micromycetes 3. Uredinales of Inari Lapland, 155-177 (pdf).
KALLIO, P. & KANKAINEN, E.: Notes on the macromycetes of Finnish Lapland and adjacent Finnmark, 178-235 (pdf).
KUPIAS, R.: On filamentous blue-green algae of brooks of Lapland, 236-249 (pdf).
SILVOLA, T.: On the land molluscs of the Kevojoki River valley in Finnish Lapland, 250-268 (pdf).
JUSSILA, R.: Occurrence of macrolepidoptera in the biotopes of the Kevojoki area in Inari Lapland (Finland), 269-278 (pdf)
LEHTINEN, P. T.: The Phalangids and Pseudoscorpionids of Finnish Lapland, 279-287 (pdf).
LINDQVIST, O. V.: The spider fauna of the cliffs in eastern Finnish Lapland, 288-291 (pdf).
BAGGE, P.: A freshwater amphipod Gammarus lacustris Sars in Utsjoki, Finnish Lapland, 292-294 (pdf).
LAINE, H.: Notes on some southern bird species found in the vicinity of Kevo in Utsjoki, Finnish Lapland, 295-300 (pdf).
SCHANTZ, M. von & IVARS, L.: Über die Zusammensetzung des ätherischen Öles von Thymus serpyllum ssp. tanaënsis (Hyl.) Jalas, 301-307 (pdf).
UNGERSON, J. & SCHERDIN, G.: Über die plötzlichen Änderungen in dem Tagesverlauf der Photosynthese und der Atmung unter natürlichen Bedingungen, 308-321 (pdf).
MANSIKKANIEMI, H.: Main features of the glacial and postglacial development of Pulmanki valley in northernmost Finland, 322-337 (pdf).
SYRILÄ, S.: Retreat of the continental ice and fluvioglacial erosion features on the Tuolbanjaugoaivi fjeld in northernmost Finland, 338-345 (pdf).
PETÄJÄ, A.: Depth charts of some lakes in Utsjoki, Finnish Lapland, 346-349 (pdf).
VESANEN, E.: An outline of the development of the seismograph station network and of the study of the seismicity of the Baltic Shield, 350-356 (pdf).
PETÄJÄ, A.: Simplified apparatus for recording waterlevel fluctuations, 357-358 (pdf).

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