Robert Henseling: Kosmische Heimat: unser Sonnensystem

The cover of Kosmische Heimat. The cover shows a picture of a comet in the middle. Above and below it are the name of the book, the author's name and the series to which the work belongs. The cover has black and white, black and red frames, one inside the other.

Robert Henseling: Kosmische Heimat : unser Sonnensystem
Königstein im Taunus: Langewiesche, 1932.

Robert Henseling (1883-1964) was a German astronomy enthusiast and freelance writer. Henseling wrote several popular books on astronomy and founded a monthly astronomy journal Die Sterne. He also co-founded the Stuttgart Observatory and founded a society of amateur astronomers. The society quickly gained several thousand members. Henseling also translated Knut Lundmark’s work Världsrymdens liv (1926) into German. The translation Das Leben auf anderen Sternen was published in 1930.

Henseling’s Kosmische Heimat was published in 1932 as part of the Langewiesche publishing house’s Der Eiserne Hammer series. The topics in the series vary from arts to sciences.