Vähäsen Amerikasta eli kertoelmia matkoilta Suuressa Lännessä

Vähäsen Amerikasta eli kertoelmia matkoilta Suuressa Lännessä vuosina 1883-85
Wessman, F.
Edlund, 1887
The merchant T. F. Wessman from Jyväskylä talks about his experiences on a trip to America. He begins his story at Castle Garden and then spends a few days in New York. While looking for a job, he makes a trip inland while writing down the observations of his first job and the surroundings. As autumn approaches, he writes about churches and Negroes. We also learn about the Native American uprising in the state of New Mexico. The author also visits a newspaper reporter and talks about a fallen genius. The story then takes you to an American hospital and ends at County House.