Joseph Pohle: Die Sternenwelten und ihre Bewohner : zugleich als erste Einführung in die moderne Astronomie

The cover of the book. A picture of a renaissance scholar, gazing to the night sky with a telescope. Below the picture the title of the book and the name of the author.

Joseph Pohle: Die Sternenwelten und ihre Bewohner : zugleich als erste Einführung in die moderne Astronomie
Köln: Bachem, 1922.

Joseph Pohle (1852-1922) was a German theologian. He was a professor at the Catholic University of America in Washington DC from the university’s founding in 1889. He was known to American and German students of theology in particular as the author of a series of 12 theological textbooks.

Die Sternenwelten und ihre Bewohner (Star Worlds and Their Inhabitants), published in 1884, considered the possibility of life beyond Earth. Pohle combines natural science, history, metaphysics and theology in his work. He believes that in an infinitely vast universe, there must be intelligent beings beyond planet Earth, because creation implies the glory of God. Several revised editions of the work were published including the one in Lundmark collection from 1922.