Cecilia Payne, Sergei Gaposchkin: Variable stars

The title page of Variable stars.

Cecilia Payne, Sergei Gaposchkin: Variable stars
Cambridge, MA : Harvard Observatory, 1938.

Cecilia Helena Payne (1900-1979) was an English-born astronomer. From an early age she was interested in science, particularly the elements. She was awarded a scholarship to the University of Cambridge, where she initially studied botany, but eventually her interest became increasingly focused on astronomy. Payne moved to the United States for postgraduate studies. He was the first to obtain a doctorate in astronomy from Harvard College Observatory.

Together with her husband Sergei Gaposchkin, Payne published Variable Stars in 1938. In addition to her wide range of scientific publications, she also worked as an editor for scientific journals and as a teacher. Unfortunately, she experienced discrimination in her career because of her gender, but despite this, or perhaps because of it, she was also a role model for many of her students and the wider public.

Lundmark collection’s copy of Variable Stars contains a handwritten dedication:

”To our beloved friend Knut Lundmark worth the best compliments of the authors Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin Sergei Gaposchkin

September 1939”

Endsheet of Variable stars with hand written dedication from authors to Knut Lundmark.