Eugène Michel Antoniadi: La planète Mars

Title page of the book. The title is printed in red other information on black.


Eugène Michel Antoniadi: La planète Mars
Paris: Librairie scientifique Hermann et cie, 1930.

Eugène Michel Antoniadi (1870-1944) was a Greek astronomer. In addition to astronomy, he also published works on architecture. Antoniadi began drawing planets as a teenager and sent his works to the French Astronomical Society. The founder of the association, astronomer Camille Flammarion (1842-1925), invited Antoniadi to work for him in France. Antoniadi is perhaps best known for his research on Mars. The existence of the Martian canals was the subject of much controversy during Antoniadi’s lifetime. Antoniadi eventually came to the conclusion that the Martian canals were just an optical illusion. In 1930, one of his most famous works, La planète Mars, was published.