Academic Year 2023-2024

Our school meals are really good!

You can find the weekly menu here

Lessons and meal times

The lessons and meals are normally as follows:

Grades 1-3


9.00-10.30    lunch break  10.30-11.15


12.15-13.00    snack break  13.00-13.15


Grades 4-5                                                                          



10.00-10.45    lunch break  10.45-11.15


12.15-13.00      snack break  13.00-13.15


Grades 6-9                                                                          




11.00-11.45    lunch break  11.45-12.15

12.15-13.00    snack break  13.00-13.15




School days and breaks for the current academic year 2023-2024

Autumn term: Thursday 10.8. – Friday 22.12.2023

  • School starts on Thursday 10.8.
  • Saturday 23.9. school day
  • Autumn break: Monday 23.10. – Friday 27.10.2023
  • School ends on Friday 22.12.2023
  • Christmas break: Monday 25.12.2023 – Friday 5.1.2024

Spring term: Monday 8.1. – Saturday 1.6.2024

  • School starts on Monday 8.1. according the schedule
  • Winter break: Monday 19.2. – Friday 23.2. (week 8)
  • Thursday 9.5 holiday
  • Friday 10.5. holiday
  • School ends on Saturday 1.6.2024

School days and breaks for the next academic year 2024-2025

This  is not ready yet.

Activities during the academic year

Rauma Teacher Training School has its own theme each calendar year.

The theme for the 2020 calendar year is “equality and equity”.

The theme for the 2021 calendar year is dreams of the future”.

The theme for the 2022 calendar year is “wellbeing”

In connection with the themes we implement multi-disciplinary learning and activity days.

Parties and events

There are many events and activities at school.


Thu 10.8. clock 9 School starts



Week 40: 2.-6.10.  Pertsa and Kilu-week
Wed 18.10.
Fairytale day
Fri 20.10.
United Nations Day
Tue 31.10.
Halloween party


Week 47: 20.–24.11. Children’s Rights -week
Mon 20.11.
Children’s Rights Day
Wed 22.11. Christmas flower wreath -evening on the garden at 18-19.30


Tue 5.12. Independence Day flag ceremony
Thu 7.12.
Exhibition of the Christmas flowers on the garden
Thu 14.12.
Christmas church
Fri 22.12. clock 9
 Christmas assembly


Week 4: 22.–26.1. Bird Life – week on the garden


Fri 2.2. Green Flag Day
Wed 14.2. Valentine’s Day
Wed 14.2. Valentine’s Party


Thu 14.3. Mental calculation competition, whole school involved 
Fri 22.3.
WWF Earth Hour



Wed 8.5. Europe Day
Week 20: 13.-17.5. Bird Week for children on the garden  
Week 21: 20.-24.5. Read outdoors in the nature –week
Fri 31.5. clock 18 classes 1.-6. Spring party


Sat 1.6. clock 8.30 classes 1-6th school year report
Sat 1.6. clock 9 classes 7-9th Spring party

Taking care of your child and cooperation between home and school

Cooperation between home and school is very important. In addition to the principals and teachers, there are many employees at the school who help pupils to have a good and safe school day. Wilma is the tool we use for daily communication and to handle personal pupil affairs. Email can be used to contact us about other matters.

Principals, teachers and other staff

The school principals are the Administrative Principal, the Principal for Basic Education and the Vice-principals.

The principals can be found here

Teachers include classroom teachers (grades 1-6), subject teachers (grades 1-6 and 7-9), a student counsellor (grades 7-9) and special education teachers (grades 1-6 and 7-9).

The teachers can be found here

The special needs assistants work in all grades and one is also responsible for afternoon activities.

Special needs assistants can be found here

The pupil welfare staff includes a public health nurse, a psychologist, and two student welfare professionals (school social workers for grades 1-6 and grades 7-9). They are all employees of the Town of Rauma and are at our school on a limited basis as agreed by the school.

Student welfare staff can be found here

Other staff can be found here

Wilma as a tool for cooperation

Wilma is a system through which you get information about your child’s schooling and read important bulletins relayed to all guardians. The newsletters are either filed permanently in Wilma or are sent by Wilma’s internal mailing system. It is always possible to contact the teachers through Wilma.

Wilma allows you to track your child’s lesson notes, absences and information about being late to school. You register the reason for your child’s absence through Wilma.

Each Wilma user must have their own username and password which are provided to the child’s official guardians when the child starts school the Rauma Teacher Training School or moves from another school. Wilma IDs are school specific and IDs from other schools cannot be used in the Rauma Teacher Training School Wilma system.

The guardians of new pupils will receive their own key code in the mail during the first days of school. The key code will allow you to create your own ID. Pupils will also receive their own ID during the first days of school.

Wilma can be accessed from any computer or tablet with internet access.

If you have difficulties with Wilma, please contact the school office:

Tarja Lamminen, Secretary, +358 50 339 1328

Read intructions for using Wilma

The parents’ association

Rauma Teacher Training School has a parent’s association which is a member of the Finnish Parents League. All families are automatically members of the parent’s association and the voluntary membership fee is 10€/family per year. You can pay the fee to account number FI52 4450 2320 0848 51 and be sure to include the pupil’s name and the term ”jäsenmaksu” (which means membership fee) in the message area of the bank transfer.

The parents’ association works actively and has organized many events. All new members are warmly welcome. Please don’t hesitate to contact us for more information: You can also find us on Facebook at Messages from the association are sent through Wilma.

The parents’ association on Facebook

Service providers that enhance the quality of daily activities

Rauma Teacher Training School properties are owned by Suomen Yliopistokiinteistöt Oy (SYK), which is responsible for the health, safety, and functionality of our premises.

Get to know Suomen Yliopistokiinteistöt Oy

Eurajoen Kiinteistöpalvelu Oy is responsible for the maintenance of our properties.

Get to know Eurajoen Kiinteistöpalvelu Oy

Daily cleaning services are provided by SOL.

Get to know SOL

Lunch in our school restaurant Länsituuli is provided by Amica Restaurants which are part of the Compass Group organization.

Get to know the Compass Group

Evaluation during the academic year and plans



Guardians receive most information from teachers that teach their child. The most important document guiding activities at school is the curriculum which defines the teaching and school activities according to the national guidelines.

Get to know the curriculum

During the academic year, pupils and guardians must be informed about matters related to assessment for example: how to assess behavior, competence, if assessment discussions are organized, and if intermediate report cards are issued at school. The agreed principles and cooperation methods can be found in the assessment bulletin which is updated each academic year.

Become familiar with the assessment bulletin (pdf file in Finnish)

Read about assessment




Photo: Hanna Oksanen / Communications

Cover photo: Ramona Raynor-Karjalainen