C.G. Mannerheimin valokuvia Aasian-matkalta 1906-1908

Book cover.

C.G. Mannerheimin valokuvia Aasian-matkalta 1906-1908 / Photographs by C. G. Mannerheim from his journey across Asia 1906-1908
Peter Sandberg (toimittanut/edited)
Otava/Suomalais-ugrilainen seura, 1990

From Samarkand to Peking, over 14 000 kilometer on a horseback. This journey took cavalry colonel C. G. Mannerheim for two years, 1906-1908. The journey was commissioned by the Russian general staff. His assignments were military reconnoitering and surveying and also archaeological and ethnographical research. On his journey Mannerheim gathered a number of valuable collections for sciences and over one thousand photos.

This book opens the window into a bygone world and many forgotten historical ways of life. The book contains 87 photos.