Find the information you are looking for on our website

The home page contains up-to-date news and links to frequently asked questions. You can also get to know the history of our school from the home page.

Discover our history

The basic education section is important for guardians and those interested in the daily activities of our school.

The teacher training section gives information about teacher training and continuing education.

In the research and experimentation section you can familiarize yourself with our development activities, publications and apply for research permission.

Content in the basic education section

On the academic year page:

  • menu, times of lessons and meals
  • school days and holidays
  • school days and holidays also in the following academic year
  • activities, celebrations, and events of the academic year
  • personnel (also available in contact information)
  • Wilma
  • Parents’ Association
  • service providers
  • evaluation during the academic year (Read about evaluation) includes the evaluation annual plan, assessment of behavior, and multidisciplinary learning modules. Go to the page or read the brochure (pdf file with during-academic year page information)
  • Go to the school year page


The becoming a pupil at Rauma Teacher Training School page provides information on how to apply to become a pupil at the school. Go to page

The options for a pupil page provides information about choices in the first grade, language choices, and other selection options in different grades. Go to page

The support and guidance page provides information about the support for learning, student welfare, and student guidance. Go to page


The curriculum pages contain:

 Chapters 1-15 of the general section Go to page

In capter 1 of the general section, you will find the distribution of lesson hours. Familiarize yourself with the distribution of lesson hours. Familiarize yourself with the distribution of lesson hours  (pdf file in Finnish)

capters 1-15 of the general section (pdf files in Finnish)

choices within the subjects Go to page

other optional courses Go to page

evaluation criteria for subjects Go to page

The curriculum is a broad and an adequate amount of time should be reserved for viewing it. Go to curriculum page


On the activities that support teaching page:


On the Plans and Instructions page:

Maintaining a tranquil environment (classroom management) and procedures


safety and accidents

bullying, violence and harassment

school transport and waiting time for clubs and activities

smoking and intoxicants

steering plan

equality and equity plan

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